Open your heart. Open your home.
Some people with ID/DD never had an opportunity to benefit from the many rewards family home life brings, and others desire to participate in a nurturing mentor home life again.
You can make a real difference in the lives of people by becoming a Community Options Integrated Services, Inc. (COIS) Certified Family Home Provider in your own home.
A family home certified and monitored by COIS provides a nurturing living arrangement in which a person with a developmental disability becomes a full participating family member.
By welcoming a person into your family, you can help individuals learn skills and experience life-enhancing paths. The opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others is priceless. In return, the richness of becoming a family home provider is priceless.

Simultaneously we all have an amazing and positive impact on each other!

Supports for Success
Providing day to day supports and supervision for a person with special needs can be quite rewarding and at the same time quite challenging. Therefore, it is important for a family home provider to have the assistance and support of an agency like COIS.
COIS has the expertise and resources that will assist you by providing quality services and supports. We offer free training as part od our certification process. This training will equip you with the basics in becoming a certified COIS family home provider. Once certified, we facilitate in matching your skills and abilities to specific needs and preferences of a person with an intellectual/developmental disability who is interested in a COIS family home living arrangement.
Teamwork Is A Key
COI will provide you with initial and ongoing training, support, and guidance from a team of professionals that are available 24 hours a day.
The COI staff will meet with you and the individual you support regularly to discuss any issues or concerns. Together as a team, we are able to create innovative strategies. creating a roadmap for success.
Cultural Sensitivity In Service Delivery
COI is sensitive to the diverse needs of each person we serve, each family home, and each community. We are committed to providing services that are culturally sensitive and take into consideration cultural and ethnic matching of clients and family home providers.
What sets Community Options Integrated Services, Inc. apart for other Family Home Agencies?
- 25 years of service to adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities with a commitment to quality service, support and inclusion.
- Community Options Integrated Services, Inc. is a pioneer of FHA series in California, providing a level of experience that has maintained our reputation as a leader in our industry.
- Our unique respite model provides relief and support for certified families. This position plays an active role in community integration and inclusion.
- We have access to person-centered home/community based clinical services tailored to meet the needs of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
If you have more questions about becoming a family home provider, or would be interested in attending the next COI Family Home Provider Orientation, please feel free to contact a COI office near you listed at the bottom of this web page. We welcome your call!